5 Best Roulette Prediction Systems

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Roulette is an exciting game that has many different styles, all of which provide a different playing experience.

As it’s possible to play online roulette at sites like  WB7 for real money, players also want to find the best way in which to win against the house. Rather than just relying on luck or chance in their bets, some systems can be used to predict where the ball will end up on the wheel.

Here are five great prediction systems that have been proven successful by many online roulette players.

The Martingale System

A classic system that roulette players often use is called Martingale. It’s based on the fact that if you win a bet, your payout will be double the amount you staked. Therefore, this system is all about placing large amounts of money on winning bets to increase your overall prize fund.

However, there are several problems with the Martingale system. It’s true that if you start off with a small stake and win with every bet, you will end up with a big prize pot. However, if you start off losing and then experience a small win, your prize fund will be reduced to nothing by the loss of your initial stake plus your winnings.

Fibonacci System

The Fibonacci system is perhaps one of the most famous and easiest to use roulette systems in order to predict where you want the ball to land when playing at an online casino like  WB7 . It is based around a sequence that goes like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 , 8, 13 , 21 , 34 etc.

The idea is to pick your favourite numbers based on if the last two digits on the wheel you are playing correspond with one of Fibonacci’s numbers. For example, since 8 is one of Fibonacci’s numbers, play will land on number 8 whenever the last two digits on the roulette wheel are 08.

If your number does not come up on the wheel, you will have to wait until another 8 appears in order for you to win. If any other number besides 8 comes up on the wheel, this means that the ball will land somewhere else around it and you won’t be able to predict where exactly.

Punto Banco

The punto banco system is mostly used as a starting point for other online roulette prediction techniques. Place one unit of money on the first number that appears on the wheel, then move to each consecutive number and place one unit of money after every time the ball lands on your first bet.

This means that if you hit 2 units, you will place two more units on the next number on the wheel, and so on. If the ball lands on your 7th bet, then you will have lost that money. However, if it lands on any of your first six bets, you will win all of them.

D’Alembert System

The d’Alembert system is sometimes called the “Fibonacci Retracement” because it has a lot in common with Fibonacci’s numbers. This strategy is based on betting against the trend of previous spins.

If you are winning, then keep your money on that number until you have reached an amount equal to half of what you initially bet. If you are losing, keep betting until you have twice the amount of money you initially bet.

Kerviel System

One of the most complicated roulette prediction techniques is the “Kerviel” system. This system uses a lot more information than just previous spins in order to determine where to place your bets.

It involves studying the history of the wheel, table, players and croupiers to determine things like betting patterns of other gamblers, the bank’s tendencies and many more that are too hard for amateurs to distinguish. Even though it is complicated, Kerviel won a contest recently by using only this system.